Puppies? It must be Super Bowl week

Seems like you can’t throw a stick without running into a shaggy (or short-haired) dog storyand advertisers, in particular, know that puppies demand attention.

Take GoDaddy.com. In recent years, the website registration and hosting company has earned the ire of many with its cheeky Super Bowl ads featuring voluptuous women and suggestive copy. Not that it’s stopped them from doing the same thing again the next year.

But an ad about a puppy that’s put up for sale? That’s going too far.

A veterinarian at the Humane Society of Tampa Bay performed surgery, and Bart, though he’ll probably lose an eye, is recovering nicely.

“I truly think Bart has nine lives and has eight lives left, because it is miraculous what he’s done,” Humane Society of Tampa Bay Executive Director Sherry Silk told the TV station.

So to heck with that football game and us crazy humans. We’ll say it again: Awwwwwww.