11 Habits Of Insanely Fashionable People

Working in fashion and being surrounded by incredibly stylish women inevitably means that we’ve pick up on a few things as HuffPost Style editors. We have mastered the sometimes difficult pronunciation of designer names, we’ve caught on to fashion week etiquette, but most importantly, we have adopted some of the rules that extremely fashionable editors, bloggers and even celebrities follow.

To help share our wisdom, we’ve rounded up 11 habits of the sartorially advanced. Follow these rules and who knows, you could be the next Miroslava Duma (or at least have a closet that rivals hers).

10. They are the first ones to try a trend. She who hesitates is lost — in the style world, that is. If you notice a new trend that none of your friends have adopted yet, don’t be afraid to be the guinea pig. Big risks equals big rewards (or at least a spot on a street style blog).

11. They are always shopping. Even when you’re in the mens section or at an antiques shop, always have your eyes peeled for things that could work in your closet — you never know what gem you might find.

The Huffington Post