15 Inspiring Stories About Dean Smith That Prove He Was So Much More Than Just ‘Michael Jordan’s Coach’

This week the entire basketball world is mourning the recent passing of legendary University of North Carolina coach Dean Smith, a man who taught the game to many of its most famous players.

Thousands of words have been shed about Smith’s on-court contributions. But to many, Smith was much more than a coach; he was an inspiration. A deeply passionate man, the Kansas native repeatedly stood up for the people and causes he believed in throughout his life.

As such, we decided to celebrate just a few of the stories that defined Smith throughout his lifetime. He will be missed by many people both inside and outside the basketball community.

Dean Smith was much more than just Michael Jordan’s college coach

But Smith never wanted to take up more of the spotlight than necessary. After his coaching career, Smith tried not to go to games at the Dean Smith Center if they were televised. He worried it would put undue pressure on the current coach.

And above all else, he believed you should live your life for reasons more meaningful than fame. A view perhaps symbolized by a quote Smith once gave to the Washington Post’s John Feinstein: “You should never be proud of doing what’s right. You should just do what’s right.”

The Huffington Post