8 Professions Where You Can Make Way More Money With A Certificate

It’s no secret that higher education often leads to better, and higher paying, jobs. But even if you are in a job that only requires a Bachelor’s degree, you can still rise to the top.

Certificate programs are a great way to find a boost in your current industry, and often don’t require dedicating years, or even full-time months, to the program. In partnership with UCLA Extension, below are nine professions where a certificate can make all the difference.

Human Relations

Contrary to popular belief, accountants do much more than help you file taxes (although nothing is wrong with that). They are actively involved in the “language of business,” helping with the management, finances and general economic activity of an organization. While a Bachelor’s degree with a major in accounting is often the first step down this path, taking and passing the CPA exam is how accountants can really land fantastic jobs and opportunity for upward mobility. In fact, according to Monster.com, the median pay for accountants with CPA certification is more than $9,000 per year higher than for those without certification.

UCLA Extension offers over 100 certificate programs that can help to increase your professional skills and stay competitive in your field. Click here to learn more.

The Huffington Post