Baby’s Age At Gluten Exposure Not Tied To Celiac Disease, Study Finds

Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:35am EST

(Reuters) – The age at which babies are introduced to foods with gluten doesn’t affect their risk of developing celiac disease, a new study finds.

Earlier studies had suggested that introducing gluten between the ages of four and six months might lower the risk of celiac disease, a condition in which gluten in food triggers a damaging immune response in the small intestines.

Two other recent studies also found that timing of gluten introduction to a baby’s diet doesn’t protect them from celiac disease (see Reuters Health story of October 1, 2014 here:

Green said the new results can probably apply to the general population, but cautioned “they’re not studying the general population.” Instead, this research involved high-risk children.

SOURCE: Pediatrics, online January 19, 2014.

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