‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Gets Black Marks From Bishops, Pastors

(RNS) The film adaptation of “Fifty Shades of Grey,” which opens in theaters next week (Feb. 13), has movie morality guardians armed and heading for battle.

The Catholic bishop of Buffalo, N.Y., has warned fellow prelates to step up preaching on the true beauty of sex-within-male-female-marriage — and do it pronto.

“Remind the faithful of the beauty of the Church’s teaching on the gift of sexual intimacy in marriage, the great dignity of women, and the moral reprehensibility of all domestic violence and sexual exploitation,” wrote Bishop Richard Malone, in a letter Wednesday (Feb. 4) to fellow clergy at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

But Fifty Shades does provide a mini-marketing opportunity for another relationship movie opening on Valentine’s Day weekend — “Old Fashioned.” And the star of that is unabashedly promoting it as the anti-porn, Christian true love indie film to share with your sweetie.

“Clearly, we’re picking a fight with Fifty Shades because we believe it matters. Love and romance are created by God and designed to lead to marriage and physical intimacy, created by God,” said Rik Swartzwelder, who produces, directs and plays the lead actor role in the film.

The Huffington Post