Fit Nation: Down, but not out, in 20 seconds

We had a baby sitter for our daughter Mara and we were really making it happenno more talk.

It would be a real 100% couples’ bike ride. Our first ride as a married couple, with our own bikes.

I was convinced that with my new Specialized bike it would be a cake walk to do this, and wouldn’t be a struggle at all.

The day was beautiful — not a cloud in the sky. I felt as if I were an expert bike rider, from my school days; however, that was a long time ago.

Conquering a Triathlon, is not going to be without failure and falling down. It’s about getting up, and not giving up. It’s about listening and becoming connected to your body, and realizing that training for a triathlon is a spiritual journey as well as physical one.

I may have crashed on my bike faster than anyone in the entire history of Fit Nation, but the lesson I learned in the process was well worth it.

If and when you go down on the bike, you have to pick yourself up, and get it together.