New Orleans Saints player Benjamin Watson wants to talk race

Watson’s take on the situation in Ferguson wasn’t one-sided. The essay allowed a more fresh approach to one of the most delicate conversations in the U.S.: race relations.

“Anytime there’s a situation where you’ve got police officers, you’ve got citizens, you’ve got the race aspect of it — it’s always a big deal. And everybody comes in on their own side. Everybody has specific experiences that lead them to their conclusions.” says Watson. “I really think part of the race issue is just for us to be open and honest with each other.”

Watson ended his post by turning to the Bible. He mentioned that situations like Ferguson stem from a “sin” problem rather than a “skin” problem. However, in his Facebook post, he felt encouraged because he feels the Gospel provides hope:

“I want my kids to see me as a leader, a protector, a lover of my wife. … Daddy caring, but also trustworthy and faithful,” he says.

The couple started the One More Foundation to make a greater impact in communities and be an example to their children.

“We decided to start the organization not only to help others, but to leave a legacy for our kids of giving. We want them to understand that giving is important. Whether it’s money, food or time, giving to someone else is what we’re called to do.”