Preemies Less Lucky In Love As Young Adults, Study Suggests

Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:32am EST

(Reuters Health) – Twenty-somethings who were born prematurely are less likely to move in with a lover or have sex than their peers born at full term, Finnish researchers find.

These young adults are also less likely to consider themselves sexy. And, more of them have never moved out of their childhood home.

In the weeks immediately after birth, preemies can benefit from skin to skin contact, breastfeeding, and being touched in a gentle, soothing way that doesn’t overstimulate them, she said. Cooing, and mimicking their sounds and actions also helps these babies engage with the world around them and build social skills.

Watterberg also cautioned that the Finnish study findings may not necessarily mean that preemies grow up to be unhappy adults.

“What we have seen with kids is that babies who are born preterm tend to be more risk averse and shy and more fearful,” Watterberg said. “But on the other hand, we have seen that these kids tend to grow up and develop a good life, a life the kids and their parents are happy with.”

The Huffington Post