Research Group Media Matters To Scrutinize Hispanic News More Closely

Media Matters is taking a closer look at Latino news.

The research group known for calling out what it considers “conservative misinformation” in the mass media launched a Hispanic engagement initiative on Monday aimed at undermining what it views as attempts by rightwing organizations to influence Latinos through Spanish-language media and digital upstarts with diverse audiences.

The new initiative will monitor not just conservative-leaning media outlets, but also the Spanish-language giants Univision and Telemundo, along with the newer wave of digital outlets that prioritize engaging Hispanics, like BuzzFeed, Fox News Latino, Fusion and The Huffington Post.

The group also noted that the expansion of health insurance under Obama’s reform has disproportionately affected the Latino community, though polling data does not reflect the same widespread support.

A survey by the Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project found that 47 percent of respondents supported the health care law — a figure that topped the general public’s support, at 41 percent, but fell short of a majority.

The Huffington Post