Seth Rogen Clarifies ‘American Sniper’ Tweet

On Sunday, Seth Rogen tweeted that he thought “American Sniper” reminded him of “Nation’s Pride,” the fake Nazi propaganda film about a sniper shown in Quentin Tarantino’s “Inglourious Basterds.”

American Sniper kind of reminds me of the movie that’s showing in the third act of Inglorious Basterds.

— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) January 19, 2015

Rogen isn’t alone in being embroiled in controversy over “American Sniper.” Michael Moore called snipers “cowards” in a tweet posted Saturday, though he didn’t make any mention of Clint Eastwood’s movie. Moore later clarified his remarks after they were picked up and offered a review of “American Sniper” on his Facebook page.

The Huffington Post