Robert Levinson Fast Facts

Birth place: Flushing, New York Birth name: Robert A. Levinson Father: unknown publicly Mother: unknown publicly Marriage: Christine Levinson (dates unknown publicly) – December 15, 2013 – U.S. Secretary of…

U.S. mixes messaging on Ukraine

More than a week since a ceasefire went into effect between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels, U.S. officials are reiterating their commitment to the diplomatic agreement all the while accusing…

U.S. mixes messaging on Ukraine

More than a week since a ceasefire went into effect between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels, U.S. officials are reiterating their commitment to the diplomatic agreement all the while accusing…

Stop Futzing With Your Vagina!

We wax, we vajazzle, we steam, we bleach, we “rejuvenate.” What are we doing to our genitals—and why? Read the whole story at Dame Magazine