The Mormon Church Comes Out In Favor Of LGBT Rights — Kind Of

Mormon church leaders are making a national appeal for a “balanced approach” in the clash between gay rights and religious freedom.

The church is promising to support some housing and job protections for gays and lesbians in exchange for legal protections for believers who object to the behavior of others.

It’s not clear how much common ground the Mormons will find with this new campaign. The church insists it is making no changes in doctrine, and still believes it’s against the law of God to have sex outside marriage between a man and a woman.

After coming under intense criticism for leading the fight for California’s Proposition 8, church leaders have been trying to heal tensions by telling Latter-day Saints to be more loving and respectful toward gays and lesbians, while appealing to gay and lesbian Mormons to stay in the church.

“Accommodating the rights of all people — including their religious rights — requires wisdom and judgment, compassion and fairness,” Holland said. “Politically, it certainly requires dedication to the highest level of statesmanship. Nothing is achieved if either side resorts to bullying, political point scoring or accusations of bigotry.”

The Huffington Post