Want to lose weight or quit smoking? Love may be the key

That will more than double your chance of succeeding at making a positive lifestyle change, according to a new study that is running in the latest edition of the journal JAMA Internal Medicine.

Researchers at the University College London found that couples who adopted a new and positive health behavior together were more successful than those who tried to change on their own.

It is unclear what exactly it is about a relationship that increases successful behavior change. It could be the healthy competition or the support. And in the future, Wardle and her colleagues would like to see if an intimate partner has more of an influence on you than friends or a support group like Weight Watchers. But bottom line, Wardle believes having a partner who wants to help you change to be healthier and is someone who is willing to take the time to do it with you does matter.

“Having someone who is with you day and night encouraging you and supporting you, this truly is a powerful result,” Wardle said.