10 Clichés About Love That Won’t Save Your Marriage

Hollywood makes matters of the heart seem so simple. If real like was like the movies, you could win over your lover or end an argument with one perfectly scripted line.

But love is more complicated than all those rom coms let on. So while it’s tempting to borrow lines from your favorite films or use Hallmark-worthy clichés, we’d caution you against it — matters of the heart are simply more difficult to articulate in real life.

Here are 10 clichés about love you should never, ever speak aloud.

1. “Love means never having to say your sorry.”

10. “Love hurts.”

Just never a good argument to make. This one is self-explanatory, right?

Talking through romantic problems is the first step towards fixing them, but when you resort to clichés, you pretty much ensure that nothing very honest will be said.

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