Since January 20 is National Cheese Lover’s Day, you may find yourself thinking about cheese more than usual. More specifically, you may find yourself thinking about how much cheese you consume on a daily basis.
Are you feeling guilty? Don’t be! Cheese is a beautiful and wonderful thing that does nothing but make this world a better place. Want proof? Here are 11 facts that prove cheese is only capable of proving happiness in this dark, cruel world.
1. It makes you feel better about making mistakes, since cheese was probably invented by accident.
Credit: Huffington Post
According to the International Dairy Foods Association, the origins of cheese date back to more than 4,000 years ago. Legend has it that an Arabian merchant was traveling across the desert with milk inside of a pouch made from a sheep’s stomach. The heat mixed with the pouch lining’s rennet caused the milk to develop into curds and whey. The merchant drank the whey and dared eat the curd, which he loved. Obviously.
Yes, there are jobs that require you to eat cheese all day long. In 2014, The New York Times interviewed a man who has one of the best jobs in the entire world. Craig Gile is a cheese grader at the Cabot Creamery Cooperative in Vermont. His job consists of checking to see how the “cheeses are maturing to discern when they are at the peak of the aging process, and at their optimum flavor.”
11. And, finally, because all the best party foods include cheese.
Credit: Giphy
Pizza, nachos, mozzarella sticks, cheese fries, tacos, and CHEESE BOARDS. Need we say more?
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