2 holdout UVA fraternities sign on to new party rules, but blame ‘coercion’

In the article, a then-first-year named Jackie described a brutal gang rape by seven members of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity at UVA in September 2012, but the Charlottesville police have since said that there is no indication that Jackie was raped at the fraternity house, as alleged.

Two days after the article came out in November, but before it was widely criticized for factual errors, UVA suspended all fraternities and sororities, allowing them to reopen social activities in January only under the new terms.

Rolling Stone apologized for the inaccuracies in the article, which was written by freelance journalist Sabrina Rubin Erdely, and launched an investigation of its own. The magazine editor acknowledged that the writer didn’t contact some of the witnesses, and none of the accused.