5 things to know for your New Day — Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Newsstand ready: If the Charlie Hebdo attackers thought they could eliminate the magazine, they’re about to be proven wrong a million times over. Editors of the Paris-based satirical magazine released the cover of their next issue last night, and it shows a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed, holding up a sign with the now-famous slogan “Je Suis Charlie.” This issue of Charlie Hebdo is scheduled to be shipped to newsstands today and put on sale tomorrow. Many Muslims find depictions of Mohammed to be deeply offensive, and there has been speculation that Wednesday’s attackers were motivated in part by past Charlie Hedbo cartoons. Circulation for this edition is expected to be massive. One million copies have been printed. A normal run is 60,000 copies.


Pays to be a dolphin: Former Miami Dolphins football player Rob Konrad fought back tears yesterday as he recounted how he swam nine miles to shore after falling off his boat last week. He alternated between the breast stroke and backstroke. Jellyfish stung him and he was also circled by a shark. It took him 16 hours to make the trip off the South Florida coastline on Wednesday. Konrad was trying to reel in a fish when a huge wave smashed into the boat. “I quickly realized I was in a real bad situation,” he said. He came ashore in Palm Beach. A security guard called police. Konrad was taken to the hospital, where he said he was treated for hypothermia, severe dehydration and rhabdomyolysis, the breakdown of muscle tissue.