5 things you didn’t know about Christine Lagarde

In a line-up of the world’s financial heavyweights, Christine Lagarde commands attention. At almost 6ft tall, with a head of silver hair and year-long tan, the first female to lead the International Monetary Fund instantly stands out in the notoriously masculine world of finance.

When the fifth most powerful woman in the world according to Forbes takes to the stage, journalists make sure their pens are poised. And in a time of economic austerity — not to mention scandal allegations regarding the IMF’s former managing director — the media spotlight on Lagarde is fierce.

But away from the camera lens, what personal events shaped the 59-year-old financial leader we know today?

Here are five things you might not know about Lagarde.

Read: Can failing be good for your career?

Watch: Lagarde on leading through crisis

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