A big change for the GOP 2016 hopefuls at CPAC

1. This will not be your father’s CPAC

The cast changes, somewhat, at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, but for years the format has been the same: back-to-back-to-back-to-back speeches by politicians and activists.

But this year will be different, and perhaps include some interesting interaction involving 2016 Republican presidential hopefuls.

Politico’s Mike Allen had the scoop on some of the new format ideas on the table as the planning enters its final stages.

Mitt Romney decided against a third run for the presidency in 2016, but Democrats aren’t ready to throw away their anti-Romney playbook just yet.

As long as Jeb Bush has a prominent place in the GOP field, the Democrats think — Julie Pace of The Associated Press tells us — those notes might still come in handy.

“They both worked in finance, they both backed the Wall Street bailout, they both opposed the auto bailout,” said Pace. “After Jeb Bush makes his speeches, you sometimes get notes from Democrats saying: ‘Oh, look how similar this is to things Mitt Romney said.’

“The obvious advantage for Jeb Bush is that he’s seen this playbook run before. He may be able to come up with a better strategy than Mitt.”