Amazon and Its Friends

Forget about same-day delivery of diapers or reconnecting with your high school girlfriend or publishing those  novels without the aid of an editor or bookstore. The greatest achievement of Silicon Valley has been the marketing of Silicon Valley. Google, Apple, Facebook — they all assert they exist for your benefit, their only goal to amuse and enlighten and help you. To be, in short, your best buddy.

The tech world’s devotion to its customers was put to a vote this month in Manhattan, at one of the Intelligence Squared series of debates. The evening’s topic: “Amazon is the reader’s friend.”

For those nostalgic for last year’s clash between Amazon and Hachette, the debate — expertly moderated by the ABC news correspondent John Donvan — replayed the brawl. The self-published novelist Joe Konrath and the Vox editor Matthew Yglesias argued in favor of the proposition; the novelist Scott Turow and the former New Republic editor Franklin Foer argued against.

“What the record demonstrates is that Amazon is nobody’s friend but Amazon’s,” Mr. Turow said.

A series of investments by some of the tech industry’s biggest companies may sound odd, but they point to larger ambitions in moving giant amounts of data.Read more…

The introduction of the HoloLens by Microsoft brought back memories of the history of its Kinect device.Read more…


The New York Times