Anyone Can Be A Mystic — Here’s How

The author of Care of the Soul in Medicine and A Religion of One’s Own explains how to identify — and increase — the presence of the profoundly spiritual in your life.

By Thomas Moore

Woodworking always brings to my mind a line from the Gospel of Thomas. Jesus says: “Split a piece of wood. I am there.” You could extend that beautiful comment and say, “Pull open a banana: I am there. Put your shovel into the earth: I am there. Listen to the song of the robin: That’s me.” You don’t have to believe that anyone is literally behind the song, or in the banana, or in the earth. You don’t have to speak of God. You don’t have to talk like a theologian. You only have to use your spiritual imagination to establish a world alive and mysterious and home to a presence impossible to describe but also impossible to deny.

This excerpt was taken from A Religion of One’s Own: A Guide to Creating a Personal Spirituality in a Secular World by arrangement with Gotham Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, A Penguin Random House Company. Copyright © 2015, Thomas Moore.

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