Derek Handley, The B Team’s founding CEO, said he’s disappointed in the lack of diversity at Davos.
“I spent most of the time outside the main event meeting people in all the different environments,” he said. “My main takeaway is it’s a really interesting place and there are amazing people here, but there is a diversity problem, and I think it’s a significant issue.”
He took issue with the fact that most attendees of Davos are men, and also said the annual meeting lacks artists.
Below, the latest updates from the 2015 Davos Annual Meeting:
HPLEmbed.load({ targetId: ‘HPLContent’, app: ‘hplive_player’, width: ‘640px’, height: ‘321px’, streamType: ‘live’, autoPlay: ‘true’, mute: ‘true’, playButtonOverlay: ‘true’, thumbnail: ”, sources: { ‘video/hds’: ‘’, ‘video/hls’: ‘’ }, comScore: { c4: ‘us.portal’ }, analytics: { title: ‘WEF Davos’, playerId: ‘WEF Davos’ }, AMAConfig:’’ }); live blog Oldest Newest Share + Today 9:07 AM ESTGelfond: Oscar Nominating Process For Best Picture 'Dated' When asked about the Selma snub at the Oscars, Gelfond said he had a bigger criticism of the Academy Awards’ nominating system.
“The nominating process for best picture is maybe a little bit dated,” Gelfond said. “The way pictures are made has changed so rapidly over the last couple of decades.”
Gelfond said the best picture category is “so subjective” and “there’s no guidelines around it.”
IMAX CEO Richard Gelfond
Gelfond weighed in on the Sony hack, saying theater owners got a bad rap.
“Theater owners were portrayed in a worse light than they should have been,” Gelfond said.
Michael Mack, CEO of Syngenta, said some of the debate over food technologies like GMOs is “Western luxury.”
Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer Of Facebook, talks with Arianna about meeting the mother of a jihadist.
Dell defended his company’s decision to have manufacturing jobs in China rather than the U.S., saying employment at Dell in some areas has actually increased in the U.S.
“Our employment in the U.S. has grown in areas like research and development and services,” Dell said.
“I think one important point is that if you want people to be employed, you need to have employers,” Dell said. “Employers don’t just spring out of nowhere. So the employers need and environment thats conducive for them to be able to take the risks, create the jobs, and with taking on the risk, there ought to be some opportunity for them.”
Dell said he thinks it should be more simple to get businesses started and change the culture so “there’s more acceptance of risk.”
“If you want to create jobs and entrepreneurship, make it easy for people to start companies,” Dell said.
Dell spoke about the importance of taking risks in order to find success.
“When you hear people talk about risks at Davos, many times they’re talking about risk as a bad thing,” Dell said. “The way I think about risk is, I want to take some risks. The most dangerous thing is not taking a risk.”