Clooney, Clinton and useless ‘soft outrage’

And at the Golden Globes recently, Hollywood declared its aversion to attacks on liberty, mocking North Korea’s Kim Jong Un for trying to shut down the movie “The Interview” and announcing its united front with France against terrorism.

“Je suis Charlie,” said Jared Leto.

“Together we will stand united against anyone who would oppress free speech,” said Hollywood Foreign Press Association president Theo Kingma. George Clooney talked about the millions who marched for unity in Paris: “They marched in support of the idea that we will not walk in fear. We won’t do it.”

The tech world, too, has pledged its support of life and liberty in the wake of the Sony hack and Paris attacks. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg called for a rejection of “extremists trying to silence the voices and opinions of everyone else around the world.” Google featured a black ribbon on its homepage and Apple put a banner with the words “Je Suis Charlie” on its French website.

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