Sounds like a statement, if found in print or said on-air, that would instantly draw e-missiles from angry White House officials. Instead, top aides to President Barack Obama have fully embraced that reality in rolling out the administration’s agenda for 2015.
Instead of prepping the President to unveil a laundry list of policy proposals in one speech on a cold January night, the White House has offered State of Union “spoilers” over the past two weeks.
Take the President’s plan to make community college free for millions of young Americans. Yes, he delivered many of the details in a standard campaign-style speech in East Tennessee.
Can Obama’s community college plan get through Congress?
The White House has utilized social media during previous State of the Union speeches.
“You’re invited: The 2014 State of the Union Social,” is how the White House described its interactive outreach last year. Viewers who watched the speech on the White House website saw an “enhanced version” of the address, featuring “graphics, data and charts that help explain policies and the issues.”
A White House official said all of that will happen again and then some.
“It’s going to be really good,” the aide boasted.