His head is tilted provocatively and his eyes are trying to seduce the camera. Yikes, he’s even striking a “Blue Steel” pose.
OK, so this may be an exaggeration. But if you spend much time on Facebook, Instagram or Tinder, you’ve seen this guy or someone like him (ahem, Justin Bieber or James Franco) — a dude so enamored of his own looks that most of his photo posts are selfies.
Now, a new academic study is confirming what many observers have long suspected: Men who post lots of selfies are more likely to be narcissists. Some even show psychopathic traits.
“Self-objectification is when you start seeing yourself as an object and don’t really value yourself as a person, and it has a lot of negative outcomes including depression, eating disorders, and diminished cognitive performance,” she told CNN. “Self-objectification has long been observed in women, and it’s interesting to see it emerge here with men.”
Fox conducted the study with Margaret Rooney, a graduate student at Ohio State. Their results are published online in the journal Personality and Individual Differences.