CNN’s Fareed Zakaria sat down with HuffPost Live at Davos on Wednesday, where he called out Rupert Murdoch for his comments on the recent terror attacks in Paris.
“I think it was outrageous to claim that moderate Muslims, or Muslims in general, are responsible for the attacks,” Zakaria said. “If you had a significant portion of the Muslim world up in arms against the West… we’d have a lot of attacks every day.”
“We’re talking about a small number,” Zakaria added.
Tweeting after the terror attacks in France that left 20 dead, Murdoch said Muslims must “recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer,” and “they must be held responsible.”
“We don’t hold Rupert Murdoch responsible for every crazy, radical, quasi-fascist statement made by a television host — oh, wait a minute, I guess we do in the case of Rupert Murdoch because he hires most of them,” Zakaria joked.
Zakaria pointed out the hypocrisy of Murdoch’s comment.
“He has no responsibility for the hacking scandal that was done by his employees, but yet Muslims in Indonesia who are moderate are somehow responsible for what some guy in France does,” Zakaria said.
Below, more updates from the 2015 Davos Annual Meeting:
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Doudna emphasized the “critical” importance of integrating science, technology and eduction with art, “because they all really go together.”
Al Jazeera America Host Ali Velshi talks about how the business community can address the impacts of climate change.
Espinel addressed government’s approach to technology.
“I think for governments anytime you’re responding to a new situation I think governments… there are a lot of different concerns that you’re trying to weigh,” Espinel said.
“The software industry feels generally that governments have been overly slow to respond to some of these,” she added.
Espinel said a lot of fear of technology is driven by lack of understanding.
“It’s clear we’re in a huge wave of innovation,” Espinel said.
Espinel said there’s concern about what will happen with jobs as technology continues to develop. While she said technology could affect some existing jobs, there are huge advantages that could be gained in the developing world.
Victoria Espinel, president and chief executive of the software industry trade group BSA, said there’s worry that people aren’t prepared to handle new developments technology.
“Looking across all our economic sectors… there are enormous changes that are coming,” Espinel said.