Finally, Emojis That Show What It Really Feels Like To Be An Introvert

It can be tough being an introvert and explaining the need to be alone and recharge without seeming annoyed or angry. Harder still? Translating that kind of information into a text message, even to those who know us best. But not anymore.

Introji, considered the “emoticons for introverts,” has found a way to help introverts express themselves with their very own set of emojis. The collection includes icons of traditional introvert activities like reading and gaming, as well as distress calls that indicate the person’s current needs for time or space in a socially acceptable way.

“I’m in my bubble and I’m OK!”

So far Lynch has created just over 30 Introji designs, and is continuing to design more though collaborative feedback shared on the community Facebook page. She told Fast Company that while Introji is only in its prototype phase, she has hopes for turning the expanding series into a free texting app.

The Huffington Post