Guilherme Leal On The Fight To Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Guilherme Leal, co-chairman of the board of directors of Natura Cosmetics, said The B-Team is issuing a challenge to companies to help eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and fight for “climate justice.”

“As a B-team group, we are challenging [companies] to reach a net zero greenhouse emission by 2050, because we want to take the leadership,” Leal said. “We know that many companies will not reach this net zero emission [by 2050], but some of them need to reach it before the end of the century. If [they don’t], we’re facing many problems.”

Below, more updates from the 2015 Davos Annual Meeting:

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New America President and CEO Anne-Marie Slaughter talks with HuffPost Live about how surprised she was that the U.S. didn’t send a higher-ranking official to the Paris unity march.

Guilherme Leal, Co-chairman of the board of directors of Natura Cosmeticos, talks about the B-Team’s efforts on climate justice.

Abousteit said she thinks there should be more women at Davos.

“I just think there should be a very hard quota, 50/50, to make sure there’s enough women there,” she said. “[Davos should] also give women a chance who are not in that position yet, that they couldn’t get to because there is a glass ceiling… give them a chance to get more visibility.”

Abousteit said making clothes isn’t about saving money.

“It’s not about the saving,” she said. “It’s about doing something that makes you happy.”

Nora Abousteit advocated for doing a job that you love.

“I studied what my passion was… but then I saw an opportunity at work that made my heart beat faster, and I pursued that, and it was always about a gut feeling,” she said.

“In the Besos case, at least so far, I think the Post is thriving which I’m very happy about,” Weymouth said. “I am, of course, a member of the family… so we really want to see the paper thrive.”

“I think it’s great for the journalists, it’s great for the institution and great for the paper,” she added.

Weymouth spoke on the dangers of cyberattacks and hacking on the private sector.

“I think private industry has actually been the victim of the latest cyberattack, in the sense of Sony,” she said.

She said a friend of hers that works at Sony said “they actually melted down the hard drives of the computers.”

“What other private sectors, the banking sectors? What other private sectors are the foreigners going to attack next?” Weymouth said.

“I think it’s a frightening, alarming thing for all American cities,” Weymouth added, saying many could be worried about what would happen if their bank was hacked.

Weymouth said she supports U.S. President Barack Obama’s plans on dealing with the Islamic State.

“I thought the president’s goal to degrade and destroy ISIS is the right, correct goal. And the question is, how do you do that?” Weymouth said.

Speaking on the rise of the Islamic State, Weymouth said the situation is “horrifying.”

“It’s just horrifying, as you know from watching it day by day, I think we’ve never seen anything like ISIS that kills people, kills kids for singing songs, it’s just horrible,” she said.

Weymouth said she interviewed the president of Turkey while at Davos and offered insight into how he feels about the situation.

“Turkey believes the U.S. should have two aims — to defeat President Assad, to remove him from power, and to defeat ISIS,” she said.

The Huffington Post