How the Koch brothers’ $889 million pledge helps Democratic fundraising

“I don’t think it was surprising to many of us,” said a Democratic fundraiser. “I think we all expected we would be up against an enormous amount of money and now we have proof.”

READ: Koch brothers set staggering 2016 spending goals

“A Republican president would roll back environmental protections, worker protections and consumer protections which would benefit the Kochs and their corporations,” Begala said. “At Priorities USA Action, none of our donors stands to reap monetary benefits from electing a Democrat president. … Still, we believe there are a great many patriots who will put the national interest and broader economic growth ahead of narrow, selfish interests.”

As for whether Priorities will use the Kochs’ fundraising number in pitches to donors, Begala put it this way: “Will we talk about the Koch brothers’ attempt at a hostile takeover of the government of the United States? Stay tuned.”