How To Enjoy Watching The Super Bowl Even If You Know Literally Nothing About Football

Hey non-football fans, no one is going to appreciate you showing up to their Super Bowl party, drinking all their beer, going HAM on their guacamole and then complaining about how lame football is. But how do you get in on the fun when you literally don’t know a touchdown from a hole in the ground? There’s a golden rule your unemployed uncle probably shouted at you on your way to your first job interview that totally applies here: Fake it til you make it, baby.

Here are the Do’s and Don’ts Of Watching The Super Bowl Even If You Have No Idea WTF Is Going On:

DO: Make sure to tell the dude peeking over your shoulder at your phone screen that you’re texting your bookie. Rattle off something like, “If they don’t score here, I’ll probably miss the spread.”

DON’T: Stress. As long as you follow these steps, you totally got this. Goooooo sports!

Image via Giphy

The Huffington Post