#JeSuisCharlie: France’s march of unity

Many were taken aback by the show of solidarity.

Two hours before the march… For once, French people are on time #MarcheRepublicaine #JeSuisCharlie pic.twitter.com/RljdmTHLoR @MYTF1News

I have never seen this. Never #MarcheRepublicaine #UnityRally pic.twitter.com/0KhpmATsbn

This is my France #FranceUnited #MarcheRepublicaine pic.twitter.com/bBt3qfvE6h

#JeSuisCharlie ready to make a stand: Long Live Unconditional Freedom of Expression and Speech, No to Political Islam pic.twitter.com/kr1Eamfu4j

A photo posted by Caroline Lévy (@carreaulevy) on Jan 11, 2015 at 6:19am PST

#Metz, le soleil, la foule (2). #JeSuisCharlie #MarcheRépublicaine

A photo posted by Nicolas Tochet (@nicolastochet) on Jan 11, 2015 at 6:19am PST

The Paris rally seemed peaceful and orderly – a stark contrast to the horrific events of last week, sending out a strong yet dignified message on the world’s stance against terror.