Judgy moms and dads face off in hit ad

Ask any mom or dad to name one of the biggest challenges about parenting today, and you will probably get an earful about the constant judgment they face about their decisions.

Breast vs. bottle, stay-at-home vs. work outside the home, natural birth vs. drug-assisted delivery, baby carrier vs. stroller. It’s not just what you decide but the disapproval you face from the opposing camp.

Trust me, I’ve been there.

It is truly ridiculous when you think about it, which is exactly the point of a hilarious and moving new ad by formula maker Similac.

The commercial, which has now been seen more than 4 million times on YouTube, pits the rival camps against each other on (where else?) the playground.

There are the stroller moms, the moms with baby carriers, the working moms, the stay-at-home moms, the stay-at-home dads and of course the “breast is best” crowd pitted against the bottle-feeders.

Why are we still so squeamish about breastfeeding?

The company hopes it’s starting a conversation about modern parenting, which parents will keep having on playgrounds, and in workplaces and parking lots.

“As a mom of three, one of the most difficult things I’ve experienced personally is when people questioned the decisions that I made about raising my children in my family,” said Pardubicka-Jenkins, a mom of twins about to turn 8 and a 5-year-old.

“So I’ll bet there isn’t a mom or dad that’s reading your site that’s not shaking their heads saying, ‘I’m in agreement. I’ve experienced this. You’re talking to me. Finally.’ ”

What do you think about this new ad on the parenting wars? Share your thoughts with Kelly Wallace on Twitter or CNN Living on Facebook.