Neil Armstrong’s widow finds artifacts from moonwalk in a closet

Armstrong’s widow, Carol, found the items, and she snapped a picture of them that she shared with curators at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, a release from the museum said.

Armstrong, who uttered those now famous words, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” died in 2012 after complications associated with heart surgery.

In the wake of his death, Carol Armstrong donated many of the Apollo 11 artifacts to the museum’s National Collection. She also shared some of her husband’s correspondence and paper files to his alma mater, Purdue University in Indiana.

These items are now on display as a part of the Air and Space museum’s temporary exhibition, “Outside the Spacecraft: 50 Years of Extra-Vehicular Activity.”

A team of curators is still cataloging some of the items found inside to determine whether any others were a part of the Apollo 11 mission.