What if Captain America wore a turban and roamed the streets fighting intolerance?
This is exactly the superhero cartoonist Vishavjit Singh envisioned when he created Sikh Captain America, who, unlike traditional comic heroes, specifically fights hate crime. Walking the streets of New York and other U.S. cities dressed in his superhero getup, Singh discovered that Americans are largely receptive to this message, though stereotypes persist.
As the U.S. becomes more diverse, Rogers said he hopes to see more characters like Sikh Captain America — and he said he has no doubt the country is ready for it.
“I see America on the whole becoming more aware of cultural and religious prejudice,” Rogers said. “The idea that Captain America and other superheroes ‘have to be white men’ is a dated way of thinking. It’s time for America to be represented in the media like the melting pot it is.”