Rand Paul Shushes A Reporter Asking About His Corporate Tax Holiday

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was so unhappy with the way a television interview was going on Monday that he shushed the reporter so that he could speak.

During an interview with CNBC’s Kelly Evans, Paul became defensive when pressed on his proposal to give companies a temporary tax break to bring profits currently held overseas back to the United States. When Evans asked Paul about research showing that such a tax holiday would actually cost the U.S. Treasury more in the long run than it gained, Paul grew feisty.

As Evans tried to clarify that she was interested only in the potential conflict of interest, Paul began talking over her.

“You’ve taken something and you’ve twisted it,” Paul said. “You’ve taken an interview and made an interview into something where we’ve got no useful information because you were argumentative and you started out with many suppositions that were incorrect.”

The Huffington Post