Roasterie Offers Library-Themed Coffee To Support Public Libraries

There’s no happier relationship than the one between coffee and books, or rather, the relationship between a reader and her coffee and books. There’s a good reason chain bookstores these days are generally doing a brisk trade in lattes for their browsing customers. Authors and Pinterest users have waxed poetic about the joys of combining a steaming mug of joe with a good read.

Libraries, however, haven’t gotten in on the caffeine game with such alacrity. They are, after all, public services rather than businesses looking to score the cost of a scone and a frappuccino from readers. Fortunately, coffee purveyor The Roasterie has finally joined together coffee and libraries, natural allies, with their two library-themed roasts. Each roast also supports a library, with 10 percent of the proceeds going to a public library; the Library Lovers blend benefits the Mid-Continent Public Library, while the Library blend benefits the Kansas City Public Library.

The Huffington Post