Shakshuka: Cradle Your Eggs In A Cozy Blanket Of Tomatoes And Spices

There are many great ways to cook eggs. Poached, soft boiled, or scrambled — we love them all. But there’s one egg-cooking technique that often gets snubbed in home kitchens, and we’re looking to change that here today. Baked eggs. If you’ve never had them, you’ll love them. If you’ve never cooked them, you’ll revel in the ease of this dish.

Baked eggs are great every time, but they really shine when nestled in a ragout of tomato, spice and veggies. There’s a name for this way of preparing eggs, popular all across Northern Africa and into the Middle East, and it’s shakshuka. Not only is it fun to say, it’s glorious to eat — especially the last bites when you get to sop up the spiced, tomato sauce left on your plate with a crusty piece of bread.

The Huffington Post