Single with Valentine’s Day blues?

You think that every couple you see is lucky in love, even though it’s not true. If you drill down on your blossoming blues, you will feel like you are destined to be alone forever and then work yourself up into a pretty yucky pity-party.

I am not making light of the situation. Being single on February 14 can be painful when the day is marketed everywhere as the official designated romantic day of the year. It’s especially miserable if you’ve been trying hard to meet someone and striking out, or if you’ve recently broken up with someone you loved.

It’s important to try and do an end run around any deepening sadness. There are a number of ways to avoid a noxious slump. You can remind yourself how lucky you are in other ways (mildly effective), how artificial the day is (so what?), how many of those couples will actually break up (mean-spirited) or you can make Valentine’s Day a blast and actually enjoy yourself.

Don’t turn Valentine’s Day into a Cry Day, a Moping Day or a Drinking Day. Here are some of my favorite remedies for lonely Valentine’s Days:

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