Spain Celebrates Endiablada, Twin Festivals Of The Devils

If you live in the central Spanish town of Almonacid del Marquesado, the devil you see may be the devil you know.

The town has celebrated the “Endiablada” (Brotherhood of the Devils) festivals each Feb. 2-3 since at least since medieval times.

In it, men from the town dress up as devil-type characters in colorful jumpsuits and red miter hats. Donning large, heavy copper cowbells around their waists, which clang incessantly, they walk, dance and jump through the town’s winding streets and visit the cemetery.

The two holidays are celebrated in similar fashion although their origins are different.

In this Monday, Feb. 2, 2015 picture members of the Endiablada brotherhood line up during the ‘Endiablada’ traditional festival in Almonacid Del Marquesado, Spain.

Members of the Endiablada brotherhood clean an image depicting Saint Blas inside the church during the ‘Endiablada’ traditional festival in Almonacid Del Marquesado, Spain, Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2015.

A member of the Endiablada brotherhood poses for a picture during the ‘Endiablada’ traditional festival in Almonacid Del Marquesado, Spain, Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2015.

The Huffington Post