Charlie Hebdo’s attorney, quoted in French newspaper Le Monde, said a million copies of the magazine would be published next Wednesday. Le Monde, along with Radio France and France Televisions, released a joint statement offering resources to help the magazine stay afloat. Support came also from other sources, such as Google who said it would donate 250,000 Euros from its Press Innovation Fund to support the print run, and the Guardian Media Group who pledged £100,000.
The Committee to Protect Journalists updated their site with profiles of those lost, and many took to Twitter to say they’d donated to CPJ in honor of Charlie Hebdo.
I just donated in honor of Charlie Hebdo. Donate Now – Committee to Protect Journalists
A line from a blog by Matt Welch on has been retweeted over a thousand times; “Do you really wanna be Charlie Hebdo? Then get on out there, live and speak bravely. And God help you.”