PEORIA – Scrambling to contain the damage for billing taxpayers for a private plane ride to Chicago to attend a Bears game, revealed in the Chicago Sun-Times, Rep. Aaron Schock,…
Those must have been some seats. David Benham, one of the twin brothers who lost their HGTV reality show after their anti-gay views came to light, says a gay man… It may not be the most romantic idea, but many couples planning to marry opt for prenuptial agreements. In a survey of 1,600 members of the American Academy of…
Recently released records from the House of Representatives show the fourth-term congressman’s office paid $10,802 in the last quarter of 2014 to pilot Keith Siilats for “commercial transportation”. The Chicago…
A Florida man accused of attempting to steal a $2.5 million airplane told police he needed to “go to Chicago,” authorities say. – The airplane valued at $2.5 million.
The search giant already makes the most-used mobile software on the planet, it designs and sells phones online, and it has become an Internet service provider with its Google Fiber…
Related: Putin’s cronies lose $50 billion Fridman’s deal with RWE was first announced a year ago, just as the West imposed its first round of sanctions against Russia over Ukraine….
Brewers Heineken U.S.A. and Sam Adams also withdrew their sponsorships for the parade last year. A spokesman for Heineken said it hasn’t yet decided whether it will sponsor the parade….
Hangouts is Google’s one-stop shop for communications, combining instant messaging, text messaging, Internet phone calls, video messaging and group chats. Particularly because of its presence on Android phones and Gmail,…
Related: Costco just killed my favorite credit card Most stock quote data provided by BATS. Market indices are shown in real time, except for the DJIA, which is delayed by…
Whenever a new tax is implemented, a law in Colorado aimed at protecting taxpayers’ rights goes into effect. – Most stock quote data provided by BATS. Market indices are shown…
The Home Smart Ikea furniture uses a wireless charging standard known as Qi. It can be found in some Windows Phones and Android phones, including the just-announced Samsung Galaxy S6,…
That may seem like a no-brainer given how critical computers and Internet access are to students’ lives these days. But under the current rules, 529 withdrawals may only be used…
2) Lower taxes on business Businesses operating in India currently pay some of the highest rates in the world. The government is hoping to change that, cutting India’s corporate tax…
Experts say the central bank has become concerned about the threat of deflation. Many central banks around the world have been cutting rates in order to boost dangerously low inflation…
The bank also came out with a “selfie” credit card, which allows users to upload photos of themselves from their phones and have them printed on their cards. According to…
But economists are worried about something more sinister: The prospect that a harmful deflationary cycle could develop at a time when central banks are running out of ways to respond….
President Barack Obama on Sunday commemorated the life of Minnie Minoso, the first black major league baseball player in Chicago. Minoso’s death was announced earlier in the day by the…
Minnie Minoso, the hugely popular All-Star outfielder from Cuba who became the major league’s first black player out of Latin America and a treasured figure in the history of the…
“Our goal is to be wherever our users need and want us, with our software suites, whether that’s on an iPhone or a BlackBerry Classic,” Chen said in the statement….
It wasn’t immediately clear when the drivers would seek contract negotiations with Compass, which didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on Sunday. – Most stock quote data provided…
Related: The debt collector that does the government’s dirty work A creditor advocacy group called Debt Collective has taken up the Corinthian 15 cause. Debt Collective, which is an offshoot…
The Guardian’s bombshell about a secretive “black site” holding facility in Chicago where suspects are allegedly shackled, beaten and held for long periods of time without access to their lawyers,…
It’s not easy to take on a wealthy, multi-national corporation and win. Especially for residents of Chicago’s struggling southeast side. But that’s exactly what’s happening on the banks of the…
All eyes will be on the government next week, when it will announce its economic agenda. Historically, China has kept tight control of the yuan. Favorable exchange rates have helped…
However, there is mounting evidence that something’s up. Earlier this month there were reports indicating Apple had hired several hundred employees to work on a project aimed at launching an…
Rents in the city rose by 75% between 2000 and 2012, according to a 2014 report by the New York City Comptroller’s Office. The city’s mayor, Bill DeBlasio, has promised…
Even under its now defunct “graphic nudity” ban, Google said it would have allowed nudity “if the content offers a substantial public benefit, for example in artistic, educational, documentary, or…
Giuliana Rancic has since apologized for her comments. – Most stock quote data provided by BATS. Market indices are shown in real time, except for the DJIA, which is delayed…
“I’m just preaching the gospel of barbecue,” Cookston says.”I do what I love.” Related: Women build bigger businesses – “It sounds like a lot of sour milk,” Cookston says. “Everything…