The 3 Most Devastating Kinds Of Loss (And How To Recover)

Understanding what kind of loss you’re experiencing can sometimes help you find your best self in the situation, say the authors of You Can Heal Your Heart. Especially if you use these specific affirmations.

By Louise Hay and David Kessler

1. Complicated Loss

To put it simply, complicated loss is any loss that is complicated by other factors. Most of us know that we will experience loss when a relationship naturally ends. When two people mutually agree on separation and divorce, that is an uncomplicated loss. When the death of an elderly relative happens in an expected way, after a good, long life, that is also an uncomplicated loss. How many of these are there? How often does everyone agree on endings, and how often do things end well?

Sometimes, the loss of a pet isn’t shared because of the fear of ridicule. In that case, try thinking: “The love I have for my pet is very real. I will only share my grief with those who will understand my loss.”

Remember, when it comes to disenfranchised grief, you can’t change other people’s thinking, but you can always change your own. Remind yourself: I honor my losses.

This adapted excerpt was taken from You Can Heal Your Heart by Louise Hay and David Kessler.

The Huffington Post