The Best Way To Respond To A Child’s Meltdown (VIDEO)

When your child is upset — a frustrated, hurt, tears-streaming-down-the-face type of upset — your first instinct is often to make it all better. Typically, this sends parents into one of two reactions: either they immediately become problem solvers (“Here’s how we can fix this…”) or else they focus on calming the crying child (“It’ll be OK, sweetie. Relax, take a deep breath…”). But is either one of these methods the most effective in managing a meltdown?

Unfortunately not, according to Dr. Shefali Tsabary, author of The Conscious Parent. During a discussion about conscious parenting with moms and dads on “Oprah’s Lifeclass,” one parent shares with Dr. Shefali and the group a story of how the conscious parenting approach made a world of difference in her own family one night.

Also in the interview: Dr. Shefali explains how to make sure your own inner space is baggage-free, with the ability to be in the present.

The Huffington Post