The names: This is who ISIS has recruited from the West

Those are the numbers; albeit, they’re estimates.

But who is actually going? What are their names? What do they look like, where are they from and — perhaps most importantly — why are they going?

These are some of the individuals we know have traveled or tried to join ISIS.

United States

U.S. officials say more than 150 fighters have traveled from America to join the militant group. We don’t yet know the identity of any Americans who have successfully made it to ISIS-controlled lands, but we do know the identities of a handful of people who have been accused of trying.


Author, journalist and former German politician Jürgen Todenhöfer traveled to ISIS-controlled Syria and Iraq in December. He spoke with CNN’s Frederik Pleitgen and shared video of a conversation he had with a German ISIS militant.

Todenhöfer spoke with the man over Skype for months.

“He says what they want him to say,” Todenhöfer said. “He is sure that he is on the right way.”