The Top 10 Foods To Stock Up On Before A Blizzard

When a blizzard is upon you and there are concerns about power outages, one of your first instincts is to run to the grocery store. But once you’re there, what do you buy? Forget anything that requires refrigeration, because that’ll go to waste as soon as your refrigerator shuts down. And forget anything that requires a microwave, too.

We’ve already prepared you with all the food safety tips you need to weather the storm, but here are the top 10 foods you should stock up on, according to Taste of Home.

9. Honey: An ingredient that holds up for months in your cupboard, honey is good for glazes and sweetening but also adds an extra level of subtle flavor to peanut butter and marshmallow crème sandwiches or simply drizzled on a good dark or wheaty bread. In a pinch, it can also help relieve a sore throat.

10. Marshmallow crème (Fluff): For a peanut butter and marshmallow crème sandwich. Drizzle a little honey into the mix for added fun and flavor.

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