Top Intelligence Official Suggests Obama May Be Waging Illegal War Against Islamic State

WASHINGTON — One of the Obama administration’s key intelligence leaders told lawmakers Thursday that he didn’t think the U.S. offensive against the Islamic State was covered by a 2001 military force authorization, which the White House has touted as its authority for waging war against the Islamic terror group.

Nick Rasmussen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, told the Senate Intelligence Committee that the broad Bush-era document “allowed us to carry out operations against al-Qaeda and associated forces.” But as for its covering current operations against the Islamic State, he said, “I would defer to my lawyer friends, but I believe not.”

But Thursday’s event may be the launch of Burr’s alternative to one of the intelligence panel’s annual traditions, the public “Open Threats” hearing, which would feature testimony from the leaders of Washington’s intelligence community. Last year’s hearing included CIA Director John Brennan, FBI Director James Comey, Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

Rather than a one-time shot at the full roster, Burr reportedly plans to hold an open hearing with one major intelligence community figure every quarter.

The Huffington Post