Tourists deported after taking nude pics at Angkor

Last Friday, U.S. tourists and sisters Lindsey Kate Adams and Leslie Jan Adams were deported after allegedly getting caught taking partially nude photos at Preah Khan temple, one of the sacred sites inside Cambodia’s Angkor complex.

“It’s an offense to the culture of others, regardless of religion,” Kerya Chau Sun, APSARA (Authority for the Protection and Management of Angkor and the Region of Siem Reap) National Authority spokesperson, told CNN.

“As a Cambodian, it’s hurtful to my belief, and especially to the poor Cambodians saving up money to be able to come across the country to pray at Angkor.

“Angkor is a sacred site for all Cambodians and practicing Buddhists, worldwide.”

“Climbing on ruins, touching carvings and taking nude photographs is disrespectful to the Cambodians who live, work and worship at these sites and find them to be of great importance to their culture and heritage.”

MORE: Exploring Angkor: You’re doing it all wrong, say experts

CNN’s Laura Ma and Karla Cripps also contributed to the story.