Who Made The Mess? Kids Or Dogs?

Dogs and kids! Photos and videos of their antics account for approximately 1 million percent of the most adorable things on the Internet. But beneath the heart-melting cuteness, kids and dogs share a more sinister trait: They represent the most destructive forces known to all parentkind, able to destroy several weeks’ worth of cleaning in mere moments. (Seriously, how do they move so fast? Does their cuteness bend space-time?)

Whatever the methods used, the resulting mess often looks the same, even to an expert accomplished in cleaning up after them. We buddied up with Clorox to find the worst messes made by dog and child. It’s up to you to guess who did the deed: canines or kids?

The Scene:

Cheri Graalum stumbled upon this heinous scene in her kitchen one day. As the evidence shows, a suspicious blue liquid was splattered on her tile floor. Nearby lies the mangled remains of what was once a pen. (Rest in peace, pen.) So, dog or kid?

The Scene:

Finally, a crime scene that’s straightforward! After all, dogs can’t write on doors, can they? But wait — those tufts of white peeking through in the bottom right of the picture…


Messes happen. Whether your mess maker walks on two legs or four, Clorox will always be there to help clean up. Even your doggone-est stains will be gone with Clorox Cleaning Tools.

The Huffington Post