Why milk, bread and toilet paper when it snows?

Sure, there are some variations including booze, snack foods and even ice cream. Yet these items are the first to disappear from store shelves when the dreaded “snow” word is mentioned.

According to AccuWeather.com, we might be able to thank a particular region for at least some of it.

“It appears that New Englanders can take credit for the purchasing of milk and break prior to the storm,” the site reported on its site. “It was the monumental blizzard in 1978 that trapped many in homes for weeks that gets at least some credit for the current tradition.

I guess if all you eat for the duration of a blizzard is bread and milk, you might need all that toilet paper.

Just know that in a few months it will be hurricane season in some parts of the country and folks will once again be scrambling for — you guessed it — milk, bread, and toilet paper.